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What’s That Sound?

A koan is a Zen paradox that prompts one into limitless contemplation on the path of enlightenment.  I dig koans,…

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Spiritual Community

a poem by Sheila Towle, RScP   Spiritual Community Home for an enquiring mind, an open heart, an honest voice,…

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Put Your Hands Together

We can be, do, and have anything.  This sounds audacious.  It sounds incredibly bold to me even as I write…

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We Are Everywhere

“God is an infinite sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” - Liber XXIV Philosophorum I’ve been…

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To Pieces

Things fall apart.  Sometimes we are thrilled to pieces, but so often it feels more like getting shredded or shattered. …

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God Complex

“The Mind in us, responding to us… is God speaking and God answering.” — Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind…

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Things With Wings

I’m pretty good at coming up with positive interpretations of my life, so I can inhabit its twists and turns…

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Be Winged

“Be winged. Be the father of all flying horses," roared Aslan in a voice that shook the ground. "Your name…

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