Growing Things
“Don’t ask kids what they want to be when they grow up but what problems they want to solve.” -…
Wait a Minute
Last week, Travis and I took a hike in Joshua Tree National Park, in southern California. We made our way…
Creating Together
Integrity • Kindness • Community Outreach • Creativity • Connection • Compassion • Accountability • Trust • Inclusivity • Spirit •…
Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
Recently, I had an infuriating exchange with someone who seemed determined to think of me as a boorish ass. I…
Are We There Yet?
I can be pretty driven and persistent (some might say “stubborn”) in the pursuit of a potent vision. I…
Believe You Me
“Religion is like a pair of shoes… Find the one that fits for you, but don’t make me wear your…
Fill In The Blank
Okay, ready? I’m about to encapsulate the entirety of Life into 2 stages: We embark on a journey of self-discovery…
All In Full Out
I had a dream in which I was standing outside in front of a looming chainlink fence with razor wire…
What’s That Sound?
A koan is a Zen paradox that prompts one into limitless contemplation on the path of enlightenment. I dig koans,…
Spiritual Community
a poem by Sheila Towle, RScP Spiritual Community Home for an enquiring mind, an open heart, an honest voice,…
Put Your Hands Together
We can be, do, and have anything. This sounds audacious. It sounds incredibly bold to me even as I write…
We Are Everywhere
“God is an infinite sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” - Liber XXIV Philosophorum I’ve been…