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A few days ago, I was on my way home from a walk around Roosevelt Park.  I had just come under the I-25 overpass and was waiting for the traffic light to change.  While I stood there, an old Toyota…

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I looked up the origin of the phrase “true blue.”  Some say it refers to the endless blue sky above us, the blue yonder.  Others suggest that it might have had something to do with the purity of noble lineage,…

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Lighting a menorah for the eight nights of Hanukkah has been part of our home’s holiday tradition for years. Today, as I write this, I’m looking forward to the first candle tonight. Travis and I will read traditional prayers in…

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My seasonal playlist has been on loud and constant for about a week now.  I've been feeling the Auntie Mame admonishment, “We need a little Christmas, right this very minute.”  So Travis and I have decked the halls and put…

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Earth Prayer, by Mark Nepo

O Endless Creator, Force of Life, Seat of the Unconscious, Dharma, Atman, Ra, Qalb, Dear Center of our Love, Christlight, Yahweh, Allah, Mawu, Mother of the Universe… Let us, when swimming with the stream, become the stream. Let us, when…

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Thomas Merton wrote, “Those who are not thankful soon begin to complain of everything.” What a hopeful expectation for human being. I really love that he takes thankfulness for granted as our usual state. Complaint is an aberrant condition into…

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Gah! My well-honed process for crafting weekly blogs and talks got totally upended this week. Usually, I pick an idea and jot a few rough notes on Monday, let it simmer and bubble on Tuesday and Wednesday (maybe adding some…

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This holiday season, Bosque Center for Spiritual Living is contributing to HopeWorks NM, a great organization that provides shelter, jobs, meals, permanent and re-entry housing, and mental health services. If you would like to participate directly in our sponsorship of…

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I’m attempting to maintain an even keel, to not flip my lid or totally lose my cool. And I keep catching myself doing so in ways that sometimes feel like a cop-out. To preserve a modicum of mental peace, I…

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