I don’t know if you’re familiar with the idea of “jumping the shark.” It refers…
Gah! My well-honed process for crafting weekly blogs and talks got totally upended this week. Usually, I pick an idea and jot a few rough notes on Monday, let it simmer and bubble on Tuesday and Wednesday (maybe adding some specific examples or counterpoints to the mix), pin it down as I compose an article on Thursday, then flesh it out on Friday and Saturday.
But this week, I knew before it even began that I wouldn’t be able to plan for the end. And I was correct. I mean, I am quite sure right now that I don’t know much of anything.
In the midst of this uncertainty, however, on Sunday or Monday night, I had a dream. I’ll leave out the sexy parts and just tell you that I dreamed I was a shoemaker, a cobbler. In my dream, I was creating beautiful soft shoes, almost like ballet slippers, for a lovely family. It was very satisfying work.
I woke up reminded of the fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm: THE ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER. Do you remember that one? It’s a sweet story, even though there’s not a whole lot to it.
I think instead of sermonizing, instead of attempting to force some sense from the nonsensical world this week, I’m just going to offer a story-time. I may or may not even try to squeeze a moral out of it.
I will say that what occurs to me right now as the message of The Elves and the Shoemaker is: EFFORT IS REWARDED — EXCELLENCE IS APPRECIATED — KINDNESS IS RECIPROCATED — AND GRATITUDE IS CREATIVE.
It seems like a story of a just world, a world that works. And it’s a reminder to me that even when it feels like we’re down to the last scraps and shreds of whatever we need to keep going, it’s enough. We’re enough.
I can’t wait to be with you online this weekend. New content every Saturday night at 6:00 pm and forever after, on demand at your convenience, at BOSQUECSL.ORG, VIMEO.COM/BOSQUECSL, and FACEBOOK.COM/BOSQUECHURCH/. Take care of yourselves, loved ones.
XO, Drew
©2020 Drew Groves