All month I’ve been looking forward to talking about SURRENDER. I was eager to tie the spiritual practice of surrender into our continuing conversation about Abundance and Prosperity. It seemed perfect for where I'm at right now. I had…
All month I’ve been looking forward to talking about SURRENDER. I was eager to tie the spiritual practice of surrender into our continuing conversation about Abundance and Prosperity. It seemed perfect for where I'm at right now. I had…
Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle or as though everything is a miracle." A miracle is a thing of wonder, something that stretches our capacity for conventional explanation. …
I just completed a Bosque Center for Spiritual Living “Prospering Together” newsletter to celebrate the first nine months of our operation, and to kick off our first annual pledge campaign. [If you don’t receive one of these pretty flyers in…
It’s sunrise in Yosemite Valley. A family of mule deer is grazing just a few feet from my camp chair alongside the Merced River. Majestic cliffs rise in every direction, the granite still seeming to glow with last night’s full…
God can be a controversial idea. Amongst many of my friends and family, people I respect and admire, any mention of “God” can prompt a prickly sensitivity or a dismissive eye-roll — like I’m a superstitious nut job utterly out…
Singing together is good for us. Numerous studies have demonstrated the psychological, emotional, and physiological benefits of lifting our voices together in song. Singing stimulates our bodies to produce endorphins, which engender feelings of well-being, even euphoria, and help to…
Last December, a small group of us decided to host a caroling event for Christmas Eve at Maple Street Dance Space. (This was the first glimmering of what was to blossom into Bosque Center for Spiritual Living). Man oh man,…
Not long ago, my niece Mary introduced me to "The Great British Baking Show." There are four seasons on Netflix, so I guess it’s been around a while. I know I’d heard of it before, but I’d never been all…
14th-century Persian poet and mystic Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī, known today primarily by his pen-name “Hafiz,” wrote about Divine Love as a lusty, wine-soaked, personal ecstasy. He took aim at any religious hypocrisy that held human life as separate…