“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who…
Singing together is good for us. Numerous studies have demonstrated the psychological, emotional, and physiological benefits of lifting our voices together in song.
Singing stimulates our bodies to produce endorphins, which engender feelings of well-being, even euphoria, and help to alleviate pain.
Singing relieves stress and lowers blood pressure, yet also invigorates and heightens our awareness, creating the same, sweet, calm-alertness that is produced by deep meditation practices.
Whether or not we’re in tune, whether or not we all know the same words, singing together awakens us to our belonging. It is one of the fastest and most effective means of forging strong social bonds.
It’s a mystery to me why we aren’t singing our hearts out, out loud, together, all the time!
Because it’s also good for the world. When we’re feeling more connected and engaged, healthy and alive, this automatically means more connection-engagement-healthy aliveness on the planet.
And when we sing songs of hope, love, peace, and progress, we can’t help but become living embodiments of these qualities for ourselves and each other, in our communities and around the globe.
Want more peace? Sing peace and be peace. Want more love? Sing love and be love. Want to transform the world? We can sing a new world into being, together, my friends!
Join us for our Hootenanny Service this Sunday at 10:00 am, then come to our community picnic after. I can’t wait to be with you. XO, Drew
© 2018 Drew Groves