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A couple of years ago I placed a mail order for amaryllis bulbs for a New Year’s ritual at Bosque CSL.  I was a little late ordering and they didn’t arrive in time for our service, so Travis found a…

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by Special Guest, Rev. Masando Hiraoka I’m not gonna lie: I’m starting to hit a bit of a wall in all this sheltering-in-place business. I’m finding myself getting more irritable with others, more tired of the daily routine of staring…

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I love Matthew Inman’s comics on The Oatmeal.  They’re kinda neurotic and existentially angsty, but also quite good-natured at the same time, which is why they speak directly to my soul.    This week, he had a sweet four-panel comic…

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awakening with you

by Sheila Towle suffering alone,fearing the worst, doubting, judging, resisting what is,seeking, demanding control of the uncontrollable stay present, stay present, stay here now,don’t go wandering off into the land of “if only” despair, despondency, duty, depression is calling our…

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I finally watched Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, a 2018 documentary about Fred Rogers.  It was beautiful and touching, and it made me cry.  I’ve also been listening to a delightful podcast, Dolly Parton’s America, which goes in surprising and…

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Our values are shifting, individually and collectively.  We have an opportunity to consider what’s most important to us.  Maybe we’re being invited to change our minds about some of it. The first frantic rush to stock our pantries turned shopping…

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I don’t need to tell you how weird life is right now.  Clearly, it’s a confusing and confounding mess.  “Clearly confusing” — that’s an apt oxymoron for these outlandish days. Even when things are swimming along in what passes for…

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Wow, time is moving in some weird ways.  The activities in which we were all participating before social distancing seem like forever ago.  Some of these days now at home seem interminable; others fly by.  Regarding when we might be…

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