“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who…
We Are Everywhere
“God is an infinite sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”
– Liber XXIV Philosophorum
I’ve been thinking about how we might cultivate a greater awareness of sacred space all over the place.
It is perhaps easy to recognize the Divine when we’re “away from it all” in Nature. And many of us feel our connection with the Infinite when visiting temples, churches, ashrams, and mosques — again, away from the mundane, the distractions of the everyday world. This is lovely, and I’m definitely not knocking the idea that we can set aside special places for worship and celebration and remembrance.
But what if we opened our hearts and minds to the possibility that every place we gather, every way we gather together, is an opportunity for holy communion? What if sacred space were created purely and simply by our intention?
Things have unfolded in unexpected ways for me lately, and I’ve been reconsidering some of my fundamental assumptions about spiritual community, in particular the idea of what it means to go to church. “Going to church” suggests that church is a place where we currently aren’t. Maybe we should talk more about “bringing church” to wherever we’re at, rather than going someplace else in hopes of finding it there.
In Centers for Spiritual Living parlance, we typically call our our spiritual communities “centers” rather than “churches,” but still, they’re usually talked about as places we go. Bosque Church is exploring the idea of multi-localized spiritual community — recognizing that it can be anywhere because we are everywhere. Indeed, it’s in our weekly Sunday morning gatherings, but it can also be completely present when we’re singing together around a fire, marching for equality, serving each other and the world, or socializing at a brewpub. Wherever we are, we can discover that we’re on holy ground — invoking Life & Love & Possibility in, through, and as everything that we are together.
Everywhere we are, right where we are, God is. XO, Rev. Drew
© 2018 Drew Groves